community header


First Name

Ozlem (she/her)

Last Name

Community Manager

Profile Name


User Enrolled in Courses

Enrolled Courses

RFP Response

RFP Readiness

Leveraging PG&E’s Supplier Code of Conduct for Operational Success

Strategies for Unlocking Subcontracting Opportunities

Introduction to Business Relationship Models

Developing a Crisis Communications Plan

The Basics of Crisis Communications

Developing an Environmental Management System (EMS)

Introduction to Sustainability

Fundamentals of Innovation

Disaster Preparedness Basics

Developing an Emergency Action Plan (EAP)

Developing a COVID-19 Prevention Plan

Developing an Illness and Injury Prevention Program (IIPP)

Cybersecurity Basics

Self-Assessment Roadmap

Using Maturity Models to Build Cybersecurity Strategy

Strategies for Diverse Suppliers to Compete in the Global Marketplace

Developing a Go Global Strategy Playbook



Hello! I am Ozlem, and excited to build this community together. You can tag me anytime with questions and support. Although I do not work 24/7, our team is fast to respond to questions related to the PG&E TAP LMS and the community platform.

PSPS info:

Gas/wire emergency: 911

Help Center:

Account questions: 1-800-743-5000 Outages (not PSPS):

For emergency assistance, please call 9-1-1.

User Enrolled in Courses

Enrolled Courses

RFP Response

RFP Readiness

Leveraging PG&E’s Supplier Code of Conduct for Operational Success

Strategies for Unlocking Subcontracting Opportunities

Introduction to Business Relationship Models

Developing a Crisis Communications Plan

The Basics of Crisis Communications

Developing an Environmental Management System (EMS)

Introduction to Sustainability

Fundamentals of Innovation

Disaster Preparedness Basics

Developing an Emergency Action Plan (EAP)

Developing a COVID-19 Prevention Plan

Developing an Illness and Injury Prevention Program (IIPP)

Cybersecurity Basics

Self-Assessment Roadmap

Using Maturity Models to Build Cybersecurity Strategy

Strategies for Diverse Suppliers to Compete in the Global Marketplace

Developing a Go Global Strategy Playbook

Workshops begin
in 5 minutes !

What would you like to work on ?

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