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Tell us what you think

Thank you for participating in the PG&E’s RFP Success Cohort! We value your feedback and would appreciate your insights to help us improve future cohorts. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey.

RFP Success Cohort Feedback Survey

RFP Success Cohort Feedback Survey

On a scale of 5 to 1, how satisfied are you with the overall experience of the RFP Success Cohort?
How would you rate the relevance and quality of the cohort course content? (Live sessions, RFP Readiness course and weekly prompts)
How would you rate the overall communication throughout your cohort experience?

Please rate the following elements of the RFP Success Cohort based on how valuable they were to your learning:

Weekly Live Sessions
RFP Readiness Course (self-paced)
PG&E TAP Community platform and group space
How would you rate your experience with peer interaction and networking opportunities during the cohort course?
Do you feel more confident in your ability to increase your RFP win rate after completing this cohort course?

Workshops begin
in 5 minutes !

What would you like to work on ?

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